PAC-MAN through the maze to eat all the pac-dots and fruits while avoiding the pesky Ghost Gang! Or turn them blue by eating a power pellet to chomp on them! PAC-MAN! Earn high scores as you guide Ms. The new and expanded mazes and the lightning-bolt bonus add a new twist to the Ms., but whether or not you'll want to buy this game will depend on if you can live with the control limitations and whether you're interested in playing an old "classic" like this.What good is it to be the retro old school king of the arcades if PAC-MAN doesn't have a QUEEN to share the arcade kingdom with? Try the queen of the arcade's version of the world famous videogame with Ms. That little "help" is missing here, but everything else is there, from ghosts Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Sue, to the "halftime" animations. In the arcade game you can tell in which direction a ghost will turn when approaching a corner because its eyes will shift in that direction just before they reach the corner. The only "missing" graphic element I noticed was that the ghost monsters' eyes don't "look" in the direction they are traveling. The graphics and sound effects are a bit below-par for a Lynx title, but not unexpected considering how small the characters must be in order to fit in the mazes. Pac-Man the option of going to lightning-fast speed for 15 seconds, letting her outrun the ghosts. Gobbling up this lightning bolt gives Ms. To help you survive these "macro mazes," a special "lightning bolt" bonus object occasionally appears under the ghosts' starting pen. In the new options the player gets "stretched" mazes that are considerably wider (and thus larger) than the standard mazes, and instead of four there are 27 different mazes to complete, with a new maze being presented on each level (until you reach the 22nd level, where it cycles back to the first). In the standard game, there are four different mazes to complete, each staying on the screen for two to four rounds before cycling on to the next one. This conversion is true to the arcade original in just about every respect, but goes it one better by offering new challenges for the seasoned player. Pac-Man is to eat all of the dots in each maze in order to progress to the next level, using special power pellets to make her ghost-monster opponents momentarily vulnerable to her bite. However, if you think you can adjust to joypad control for a maze game, this is a good one. Also, one of the "standard" Pac-strategies, wiggling the joystick rapidly back and forth to keep your Pac-pal stationary, while attempting to lure the ghost monsters toward him/her, is virtually impossible with a joypad. Pac-Man will take an unexpected turn for the worse. Just a little pressure in the wrong place and Ms. No amount of programming effort can overcome the fact that navigating mazes at high speed is not easily done with a joypad. This is a game that should be played with a joystick, plain and simple. Here's another good game that's hindered by inadequate controls. If you're going on a very short road trip, though, you might consider packing this classic right alongside your toothbrush. Although the alternating two-player option gives the game some competitive flavor, there just aren't enough mazes to more than whet most gamers' appetites. PAC-Man along without you pressing a button. The straightforward controls are simple, but sometimes unpredictable - occasionally they scurry Ms. PAC-Man looks as good as she ever did, and the game's familiar bleeps sound average, although that squeaking can get annoying. Pac-Man's graphics and sounds aren't fancy, but it doesn't matter. If you reach the 10,000-point mark, you get an extra life. Healthy Fruit drops from the sky and scores you points when you eat it. Racking up the points can help you in your travels. Otherwise, stay away from the spooks, or you're dead - and you only have three lives with no continues. Your only reprieve from the spooks are Power Pellets, which you can munch to make the Ghosts termporarily vulnerable to your incisors. It's not that easy, though, 'cuz PAC-Man-eating ghosts are nipping at your heels. Gobble up all the little dots, and you'll move into the next maze. PAC 'Em Inīy now, everyone should know this game's premise - you are a round chomping ball with a bow on top who chases around the screen munching on dots. This game is addicting, but don't get too hooked, because the four mazes end all too quickly. Pac-Man, the classic, returns on the Game Boy.